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Eyfirðingar Forestry Association 2023 General Meeting Resolution

Með News

The General Meeting of the Eyfirðingar Forestry Association, the oldest forestry association in Iceland, was held on Monday, May 8. The meeting passed the following resolution:

The General Meeting of the Eyfirðingar Forestry Association, held on May 8, 2023, expresses full confidence in the work of the Board and Director of the association with regards to activities in Vaðlareitur and potential contracts regarding the site. The meeting emphasises that public interest will be taken into account in terms of access to the association’s forests, now as in the past.

For more information, visit the company’s website:

Mosfellsbær Forestry Association Annual General Meeting

Með News

The Mosfellsbær Forestry Association will hold its annual general meeting on Wednesday April 26th, at 20:00 at the hall of Björgunarsveitin Kyndill at Völuteigur 23.


  1. Election of chair and secretary of the meeting
  2. Board report 2022
  3. Associations account 2022
  4. Membership fee for 2023
  5. Board and auditor elections
  6. Other items

The meeting will conclude by a presentation by Auður Kjartansdóttir, manager of the Reykjavík Forestry Association, on land roughness, i.e. surface roughness and its connection to forestry.

Refreshments on offer

Children’s Culture Festival – Let’s sow!

Með News

Kids and their families are invited to come to the Reykjavík Botanic Garden for the Children’s Culture Festival. On Tuesday, April 18th between 17:00-18:00 kids can come to our display greenhouse and learn how to sow summer flowers and edibles and how to prick out seedlings. The kids and families can take the plants home after the workshop.
Entry is free and all are welcome to join!

Guided walk through Kálfamói

Með News

„Forests and Health” is the theme for the International Day of Forests 2023. For this reason, the Reykjavík Forestry Association is offering an educational walk through Kálfamói by Keldur in Grafarvogur, on Tuesday, March 21st, at 18:00, starting point in the parking lot near the main entrance.

Kálfamó is a remarkable forest in the urban area with rich and varied vegetation. The first trees were planted in 1947, when Jóhann Pálsson, who later became the city’s horticultural manager, used his vacation money to buy three sitka spruce plants. He was only 15 years old, but he would do well in the following decades. Over the years he added an astonishing array of different species of trees, shrubs, and other plants to make for a beautiful site. Kálfamói includes tall trees, ornate bushes, and beautiful plants of berries that please both people and birds.

The area of Keldur is being planned for a residential area and with a positive emphasis is on respecting and using the area’s natural quality for future development. Kálfamói is a resource for the future  people in the neighbourhood as the positive impact of green areas on public health is unambiguous.

The walk will be short and easy and everybody is welcome

For more information, see the Reykjavík Forestry Association’s website:

Evergreen Echo – The Barabars Boy’s Choir

Með News

To mark the International Day of Forests on Tuesday, March 21, the Borgarfjörður Forestry Association is planning to launch a series of concerts under the heading Evergreen Echo.

Tuesday night’s concert will be at the campfire area in Einkunnir, consisting of the sweet tones of the Boy’s choir Barabars. Hot cocoa on offer.

Evergreen forest groves have a special sound reflection, so the series is entitled: Evergreen Echo.  The aim is to hold a concert in the coniferous forests in Borgarfjörður once a month for the next year, with a a diverse group of musicians and each concert will be in the spirit of the season and season of that month.

There will be no fixed day a week or date a month, but each concert will be advertised individually and will be arranged as appropriate.

The aim is to have free concerts, but people can make voluntary contributions to the Borgarfjörður Forestry Association, which is organizing the concert and its setting, as well as being responsible for the general care of various forest plots in Borgarfjörður in the interests of public and public health.

Everybody welcome!

Forest yoga on the International Day of Forests March 21st

Með News

Take a deep breath and enjoy everything the forest has to offer.

The United Nations have declared March 21st as the International Day of Forests. The theme for the year 2023 is „Forests and health“.

For this reason the Icelandic Forestry Association and the Reykjavík Botanical Garden invite visitors to a forest yoga session in a beautiful grove in the Botanical Garden on Tuesday March 21st at 18:00, under the guidance of the yoga instructor Ragnheiður Ýr Grétarsdóttir.  After the forest yoga there will be tea on offer in the Gardens’ garden pavilion.

Meeting point at the entrance of the Botanical Garden at 18:00 on Tuesday March 21st.

Participation is free and everyone is welcome.

Akranes Forestry Association General Meeting 2023

Með News

The Akranes Forestry Association will hold its annual General Meeting 2023 at Jónsbúð on March 20th, at 18:00.

1) Start. Election of chairman and secretary of the meeting.
2) Meeting minutes of the General Meeting 2022
3) Annual report 2022
4) Accounts 2022
5) Membership fee proposal
6) Bylaw amendments (no proposal for change submitted)
7) Elections
Coffee break – refreshments
8) Other items. Include the association’s main activities:
– Planting
– Garðaflói
– Infrastructure- trails
– Líf í lundi
– Other events and hikes – outreach

Hafnarfjörður Forestry Association General Meeting 2023

Með News

The Hafnarfjörður Forestry Association will holds its annual General Meeting 2023 on Thursday, March 23rd, at 20:00-21:45 at Hafnarborg, Strandgata 34.

In addition to regular meeting activities Brynja Hrafnkelsdóttir, entomologist at the Icelandic Forest Service, will give a presentation „The main pests on trees and what to do about them“.