„Forests and Health” is the theme for the International Day of Forests 2023. For this reason, the Reykjavík Forestry Association is offering an educational walk through Kálfamói by Keldur in Grafarvogur, on Tuesday, March 21st, at 18:00, starting point in the parking lot near the main entrance.
Kálfamó is a remarkable forest in the urban area with rich and varied vegetation. The first trees were planted in 1947, when Jóhann Pálsson, who later became the city’s horticultural manager, used his vacation money to buy three sitka spruce plants. He was only 15 years old, but he would do well in the following decades. Over the years he added an astonishing array of different species of trees, shrubs, and other plants to make for a beautiful site. Kálfamói includes tall trees, ornate bushes, and beautiful plants of berries that please both people and birds.
The area of Keldur is being planned for a residential area and with a positive emphasis is on respecting and using the area’s natural quality for future development. Kálfamói is a resource for the future people in the neighbourhood as the positive impact of green areas on public health is unambiguous.
The walk will be short and easy and everybody is welcome
For more information, see the Reykjavík Forestry Association’s website: www.heidmork.is.
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