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Forestry Encouragement Award: Call for nominations

Með News

The Forestry Encouragement Award will be awarded for the first time on the International Day of Forests, 21st of March. The Award will be given annually to individuals, groups, companies, associations or institutions that have carried out selfless work in the interests of forestry in Iceland.
The award is presented by the Icelandic Forestry Association, Land and Forest and the Icelandic Farmers Association.
The deadline for nominations is February 14th. The nomination can be completed on the website of the Icelandic Forestry Association: 

If you know a person or people who are doing really good things within forestry and deserve encouragement – please submit a nomination!



Happy New Year!

Með Fréttir, News

The Icelandic Forestry Association wishes everyone a Happy New Year!

Special thanks to all the forestry associations in Iceland – and all our other friends, partners and supporters – for their cooperation this past year.

Settle down roots with Rótarskot!

Með News

Rótarskot is for anyone who wants to reduce the amount of fireworks purchased or who doesn’t want to buy fireworks, but for each Rótarskot purchased a tree will be planted by volunteers from search & rescue services and forestry associations. With the purchase of Rótarskot, you support the work of the search & rescue services and forestry in the country.

Rótarskot can be bought at the fireworks markets of search & rescue services all over the country and on the website of Landsbjörg:

Merry Christmas!

Með News

The Icelandic Forestry Association wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone who supported us in 2023 and we hope to see you in the forest in 2024!

Forestry associations’ Christmas tree sales in the last few days before Christmas

Með News

There are some forestry association’s that are still selling Christmas trees in the last few days before Christmas:

The Árnesingar Forestry Association is holding a Christmas tree sale in Snæfoksstaðir until 23 December, 11-16. See:

The Eyfiirðinga Forestry Association has a Christmas tree sale in Kjarnaskógur until 23 December. See:

The Hafnarfjörður Forestry Association, at Gróðrarstöðin, Þöll, on Kaldárselsvegur until 23 December, 10-18. See:

The Mosfellsbær Forestry Association, in Hamrahlíð until 23 December, 12-17 every day except for Þorláksmessa, which is open 10-16. See:

See also:

Forestry association’s Christmas tree sales 2023

Með News

It is a Christmas tradition for many families to go out to the forest during advent to select their Christmas tree and Christmas forests can be found in most parts of Iceland. Those less interested in a walk in the forest can also find sellers of already cut Icelandic Christmas trees.

The first forestry associations will be up and selling at the beginning of advent. Further information can be found online (in Icelandic) – – and on the website/Facebook pages of individual forestry associations.

Shop locally!

Icelandic Christmas trees are freshly cut and environmentally friendly with a lower carbon footprint and by buying an Icelandic Christmas tree you support reforestation efforts in the country, because for every tree sold dozens more can be planted. There is no need to have a guilty conscience for felling the tree!

Office closed August 31 – September 4

Með News

The office of the Icelandic Forestry Association will be closed from Thursday, August 31 to Monday, September 4, due to the Association’s Annual General Meeting, held in Patreksfjörður, from September 1 to 3. We will be back at the office on Tuesday, September 5.

Icelandic Forestry Association Annual General Meeting

Með News

The annual general meeting of the Icelandic Forestry Association will be held in Patreksfjörður September 1-3, with three forestry associations – in Bíldudalur, Patreksfjörður and Tálknafjörður – as  joint hosts of the meeting.

The President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, will give an address at the start of the meeting, where he will be presented with a first copy of a new book – Frændur fagna skógi – which details forest-related relations between Norway and Iceland. For this reason, Tønnes Svanes, chargé d’affaires at the Norwegian Embassy in Iceland, will also speak.

In addition to the usual general meeting activities a number of presentations on variable forestry topics will be given and field trips taken to forest and other interesting places in the area.

The highlight of the meeting is a celebration on Saturday night where, amongst other things, local people will be honoured for their contributions to forestry.

The programme for the meeting, the Icelandic Forestry Association’s Annual Report and other information will be available on the Icelandic Forestry Associations website:

For updates during the meeting see the Icelandic Forestry Associations Facebook and Instagram:

Open Forest: The Icelandic Forestry Association and Netto

Með News

The Icelandic Forestry Association and Nettó have now signed a cooperation agreement on the project Open Forest. The goal of the cooperation is to improve facilities and increase accessibility in forest areas near main roads and to provide education on biota, nature and history so that the public can use the forests for rest stops, recreation and health. The agreement will ensure the operation of the project through next year.

There are now seventeen Open forests, open for everyone and located throughout the country. All the forests have good recreation facilities and work will continue to develop and improve accessibility so that as many people as possible can enjoy the forests.

“This agreement is of great importance to us and will ensure the operation of the Open Forests project until next year,” stated Jónatan Garðarsson, chairman of the Icelandic Forestry Association. “Now we will further promote the project and encourage the country’s people to get a taste of the forests, as it provides excellent facilities for visiting together and for outdoor recreation, as visiting the forest is known to improve health and happiness.”

“This project fits in well with our environmental policy at Nettó, but we always have the goal of minimizing the environmental impact of the operations as much as possible. The Icelandic Forestry Association an important pillar of nature and environmental protection in this country, so we are extremely pleased with this collaboration,” says Helga Dís Jakobsdóttir, marketing manager for Nettó. “We encourage anyone traveling through the country to stop by the Nettó forests throughout the country, take a walk or picnic break and enjoy the natural beauty of the trip around the country.”

Jónatan Garðarsson, chairman of the Icelandic Forestry Association and Helga Dís Jakobsdóttir, marketing manager for Nettó, signing the cooperation agreement.