The Icelandic Forestry Association and the company 66°N have signed a five year contract of collaboration. The goal of the contract is to work jointly towards the cultivation of a recreational forest at Úlfljótsvatn, to increase environmental awareness of 66°N employees, sequester carbon and improve the environment.
The contract was signed in the Úlfljótsvatnskirkja church on Saturday, May 29th. After the signing the people present headed out to plant the first trees, in lovely weather. The day then concluded with a barbecue at the Scout outdoor centre at Úlfljótsvatn.
From left. Jónatan Garðarsson, chairman of the Icelandic Forestry Association and Helgi Rúnar Óskarsson, director of 66°N, shake hands after signing the contract. Photo: BJ
The planters happy with their work! Photo: BJ
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