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1997 – Two larch trees, probably Russian larch (Larix sukaczewii) at Aðalstræti in Akureyri, N-Iceland

Með English

The first tree nursery at Akureyri was founded at the turn of the 20th century. The first supervisor of the nursery lived at Aðalstræti 52 and cultivated his garden there. A photo taken in 1912 shows a few larch trees in the garden, about 2 m in height. Nothing is known about their origins, but they are most likely Russian larch, probably of a southerly cultivar because it usually doesn’t finish shedding its needles until November and buds about ten days earlier than most of the Russian larch used in forestry in Iceland. The trees have suffered some frost damage early on and formed a large crown. The tallest trees in the garden were around 16 m at the time of the nomination, with the largest having a diameter of 190 cm at chest height.

Location of the trees on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the trees (here). 

1996 – European larch (Larix decidua) at Skrúður in Dýrafjörður, Westfjords

Með English

The larch is in the Skrúður garden, that has a notable history as one of the first ornamental gardens in the country. The date of planting is not known exactly but based on notes regarding the garden it was most likely planted between 1908 and 1910, derived from seed sown in Akureyri between 1900 and 1905. Growing conditions at that time were quite difficult, especially during winter storms. The fact that the larch tree survived can be put down to the care of Sigtryggur Guðlaugsson, the founder of the garden, who took great care to shelter the trees during winter. At some point in the trees early years some goats also escaped into the garden and ate the top of the tree. A lower branch emerged as a new top, leading to a noticeable twist in the trunk of the tree. The tree has been regularly measured. In 1966 its height was measured at 8 m, in 1985 it had reached 9,55 m height and in 1995 10,55 m, with a circumference of 2 m at 1 m height.

Location of the tree on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).

1995 – Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) at Ferstikla, W-Iceland

Með English

The rowan tree stands close to the shop at Ferstikla, right by the Hvalfjarðarvegur road and is easily visible from the road. The tree was planted in 1945, along with six other rowans. The trees initially thrived but after being sprayed accidentally with a cooling liquid from a fire prevention system six of the trees died and the one remaining tree suffered serious frost damage. The remaining tree recovered, however, and has since grown and thrived. The farmer at Ferstikla has looked after the tree, giving it fertilizer now and then and guarded it against any plans to cut it down. Now the tree lends beauty to the spot.

Location of the tree on Google Maps

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here). 

1994 – Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) at Suðurgata in Reykjavík, SW-Iceland

Með English

The sycamore at Suðurgata was planted by the merchant Nicolaj Bjarnason and his family in 1918. The tree stands at over 10 m tall, with a large and even canopy. It has often borne ripe seeds and thus has descendants all over the country. Sycamore grows quite well in Iceland, although it is relatively slow growing and needs fertile soils and care in its youth. In its original habitats it can reach a height of 20-25 m and an age of at least 500 years, so the sycamore at Suðurgata still has a long life ahead of it.

Location of the tree on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).


1993 – Birch (Betula pubescens) in Fljótsdalur, E-Iceland

Með English

After no nominations for a Tree of the Year from the first tree in 1989 the project was re-launched in 1993, with expanded criteria (rarity, historical interest, beauty, unique positions etc.) with a birch tree in Fljótsdalur selected by the forest farmer Helgi Hallgrímsson as the Tree of the Year 1993. The tree stands in Skógarbali on the land of the farm Vallholt, along with four other birch trees, that have been nicknamed “eikurnar á Skógarbala” (“the oaks at Skógarbali”, large trees in the area have traditionally been referred to as “oaks”) and that are the last remnants of a large birch forest that used to cover the area. A local poet has written an ode to the tree, and the cluster of birch trees used to be a popular rest spot for travellers. The trees date back to the late 19th century, so are well over a century old.

Location on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).

1989 – Birch (Betula pubescens) in Vaglaskógur in N-Iceland

Með English

This first Tree of the Year was selected by Sigurður Blöndal, former head of the Icelandic Forestry Service and is a birch tree, standing in the outskirts of Vaglaskógur, near one of the main forest roads. At the time the tree was described as being tall for birch trees in Iceland, around 10 m in height and forming a single trunk up to about 3 m height, much broader than most birches. The bark was white and smooth, and the canopy is large, splitting into five main branches forming a larger canopy than most birch trees found in Iceland.

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here). 

Líf í lundi 2022

Með Fréttir

Líf í lundi er útivistar- og fjölskyldudagur í skógum landsins nú um helgina. Í boði eru fjölbreyttir viðburðir víða um land:


Skógardagurinn mikli, 24. júní kl.18:00 og 25. júní kl. 12:00-16:00

Gróðursetning í Úlfarsfelli 25. júní kl. 10:00-15:00

Samvera í Seljadalsskógi, 25. júní kl. 11:00

Skógardagur í Álfholtsskógi, 25. júní kl. 11:00-16:00

Skógarganga í Fossselsskógi, 25. júní kl. 14:00-16:00

Fjölskyldudagur í Höfðaskógi, 25. júní kl. 14:00-17:00

Hátíð í Bolholtsskógi, 25. júní kl. 16:00

Skógarblót í Öskjuhlíð, 25. júní kl. 21:00

Fuglaskoðun í Hánefsstaðaskógi, 26. júní kl. 13:00-16:00

Gróðursetning í Guðmundarlundi, 27. júní kl. 17:00

Skógardagur í Slögu, 27. júní kl. 18:00



Nánari upplýsingar um einstaka viðburði er að finna á Skógargátt ( og á Facebook (

Planting in Vinaskógur

Með News

On Thursday June 2nd, students at Kerhólsskóli in Grímsnes and Grafningshreppur planted 55 trees in Vinaskógur by Þingvellir, in collaboration with the Ombudsman for Children, the Icelandic Forestry Association and the Yrkja fund.

The occasion for the planting was the Children‘s Forum which was first held in November 2019 and again in March of this year. Environmental issues are very important to children and great emphasis was placed on these issues in discussions at both the Children‘s Forums held. The aim of the planting is to offset carbon emissions from emissions related to the travel of the child MPs that attended the Forums and especially those who came the furthest, in accordance with the child MPs’ emphasis on environmental and climate issues and environmentally friendly modes of transport.

Vinaskógur was founded on the occasion of the Land Reclamation Forest Campaign in 1990, based on an idea by then president Mrs. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, who is a patron of the forest. She is also the patron of the Children’s Forum and it is therefore appropriate to choose Vinaskógur for planting now. All students at Kerhólsskóli took part in the planting together with the staff of the Ombudsman for Children. Sævar Helgi Bragason gave a small talk on environmental and nature protection and the planting concluced with refreshments offered by the Ombudsman for Children. The Icelandic Forestry Association is in charge of planting and caring for Vinaskógur.

Sævar Helgi Bragason gives a talk.

Working together.

Putting the tree in the ground.

Planting well under way.

The youngest kids helped to plant the largest tree.

Gróðursetning í Vinaskógi

Með Fréttir

Fimmtudaginn 2. júní gróðursettu nemendur í Kerhólsskóla í Grímsnes- og Grafningshreppi 55 trjáplöntur í Vinaskógi við Þingvelli, í samstarfi við umboðsmann barna, Skógræktarfélag Íslands og Yrkjusjóð.

Tilefni gróðursetningarinnar var barnaþing sem fyrst var haldið í nóvember 2019 og í annað sinn í mars á þessu ári. Umhverfismál eru börnum afar hugleikin og var mikil áhersla lögð á þau málefni í umræðum á báðum barnaþingum. Markmið gróðursetningarinnar er að binda kolefni á móti losun tengdri ferðum barnaþingmanna og sérstaklega þeirra sem komu lengst að, í samræmi við áherslur barnaþingmanna á umhverfis- og loftslagsmál og umhverfisvæna samgöngumáta.

Til Vinaskógar var stofnað í tilefni Landgræðsluskógaátaksins árið 1990 og átti frú Vigdís Finnbogadóttir hugmyndina að honum og er hún verndari hans. Hún er jafnframt verndari barnaþings og því vel við hæfi að velja Vinaskóg til gróðursetningarinnar nú. Allir nemendur Kerhólsskóla tóku þátt í gróðursetningunni ásamt starfsfólki umboðsmanns barna. Sævar Helgi Bragason flutti börnunum og öðrum viðstöddum hugvekju um umhverfis- og náttúruvernd og endaði gróðursetningin á hressingu í boði umboðsmanns barna. Skógræktarfélag Íslands hefur umsjón með gróðursetningu og umhirðu Vinaskógar.