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Tré ársins 2022

Með Fréttir

Tré ársins verður formlega útnefnt mánudaginn 12. september kl. 16. Að þessu sinni er um að ræða sitkagrenitré á Kirkjubæjarklaustri.  Athöfnin fer fram vestan við Systrafoss.


  • Tónlist. Hjónin Zbigniew Zuchowicz, skólastjóri Tónlistarskóla Skaftárhrepps og Teresa Zuchowicz
  • Ávarp: Jónatan Garðarsson, formaður Skógræktarfélags Íslands
  • Mæling á Tré ársins
  • Ávarp: Katrín Jakobsdóttir forsætisráðherra
  • Afhending viðurkenningarskjala
  • Ávarp: Þröstur Eysteinsson, skógræktarstjóri

Veitingar í boði Skógræktarfélags Íslands.

Tónlist leikin af fingrum fram.

Allir velkomnir!


Styrktaraðili Tré ársins er Lambhagi ehf.

2021 – Bird cherry (Prunus padus) at Rauðavatn, SW-Iceland

Með English

The Tree of the Year 2021 is a bird cherry standing on the site of the old plant nursery by Rauðavatn in Reykjavík. The age of the bird cherry is not fully known, but it is most likely the offspring of a bird cherry planted in the early years of the nursery at the beginning of the 20th century, but that tree is the foremother of a number of bird cherries throughout the capital area. The Tree of the Year 2021 is the first bird cherry to be nominated. The tree has multiple trunks making the measurements of it at the nomination ceremony a bit tricky. Its height was measured at 8 m, with the thickest trunk measuring a radius of 7,5 cm at chest height.

Location on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Assocation about the tree (here).

2020 – Oak-leaved mountain ash (Sorbus hybrida) at Skógar in the Westfjords

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The Tree of the Year 2020 is an oak-leaved mountain ash standing at Skógar in Þorskafjörður in the Westfjords. The tree was planted in the early 1950’s by Jochum M. Eggertsson, one of the pioneers of the bahá’ía community in Iceland who are the current owners of Skógar and continuing Jochum’s planting activities. The tree has weathered tough growing conditions, which has given it a distinctive and interesting shape – bent to the wind but never broken. The tree was measured at the nomination ceremony and was 5,9 m in height, with a trunk diameter of 26,5 cm at knee-height and 17,3 cm at chest height, where the trunk has split in two.

Location on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).

2019 – Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Elliðaárhólmi, SW-Iceland

Með English

The Tree of the Year 2019 is a Norway spruce located in Elliðaárhólmi in Reykjavík and is the first Norway spruce to be nominated as Tree of the Year. The tree was planted around 1975 and has thrived, but it has a particularly good shape, most likely because it was mostly surrounded by birch trees and thus got plenty of light growing up. The tree was measured after the nomination ceremony and turned out to be 12,2 m in height, with a trunk radius of 23,7 cm at chest height.

Location on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).

2018 – Silky-leaved osier (Salix smithiana) at Ytri-Skógar, S-Iceland

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The Tree of the Year 2018 is a silky-leaved osier located at Ytri-Skógar in S-Iceland and is the first tree of this species to be nominated as Tree of the Year. The tree was most likely planted in 1948, by two brothers living at Ytri-Skógar. Osiers were quite common in gardens in Reykjavík in the early 20th century, but cultivation of it largely ceased later one, which means it is now a fairly uncommon species in Iceland. The osier at Ytri-Skógar has an especially large crown, but measurements at the nomination ceremony put the crown area at over 200 square meters, with a height of 11,1 m and a trunk circumference of 2,4 m at 60 cm height.

Location on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).

2017 – European beech (Fagus sylvatica) at Hellisgerði in Hafnarfjörður, SW-Iceland

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The Tree of the Year 2017 is a European beech in the public park Hellisgerði in Hafnarfjörður. Beech is a very rare tree species in Iceland, as it generally prefers a much warmer and longer summer than is usually on offer in Iceland. The Hellisgarði park was established in 1922. Little information exists on the early cultivation efforts there. The tree was measured at the nomination ceremony and turned out to be 9,05 m in height, with a circumference of 1,3 m.

Location on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).

2016 – Black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa) at Garðastræti 11a in Reykjavík, SW-Iceland

Með English

The Tree of the Year 2016 is a black cottonwood in the garden of Garðastræti 11a (a house known as Hákot) in Reykjavík. Cottonwood is very common in Reykjavík, having been extensively planted in the 1970’s – 1990’s. Its popularity stemmed from the fact that it was quick growing (becoming a “tree” fairly soon) and easily propagated. Like other trees in the city cottonwoods reduce winds and is a good air purifier. good tree for reducing wind in the city and.  The cottonwood tree at Hákot originally stood in the garden of Garðastræti 9 and was most likely planted sometime between 1952-1956. The old house at Garðastræti was moved in 1985 to make way for new building. The building work began in July 1986 with the clearing out of the vegetation in the garden. The owner of Garðastræti 11a, Ragnhildur Þorláksdóttir, pleaded with the contractors to spare the tree and give her time to contact the head of municipal gardens in Reykjavík. After a little back and forth the result was that the tree was moved to her garden, where she has taken care of it since. Measurements at the nomination ceremony showed the tree to be 17,5 m in height, with a trunk circumference of 180 cm at chest height.

Location on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).