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Mánaðarlega Skjalasafn

desember 2023

Settle down roots with Rótarskot!

Með News

Rótarskot is for anyone who wants to reduce the amount of fireworks purchased or who doesn’t want to buy fireworks, but for each Rótarskot purchased a tree will be planted by volunteers from search & rescue services and forestry associations. With the purchase of Rótarskot, you support the work of the search & rescue services and forestry in the country.

Rótarskot can be bought at the fireworks markets of search & rescue services all over the country and on the website of Landsbjörg:

Skjótum rótum með Rótarskoti!

Með Fréttir

Rótarskot er upplagt fyrir alla sem vilja draga úr magni flugelda sem keyptir eru eða vilja ekki kaupa flugelda, en hvert slíkt skot gefur af sér tré sem plantað verður af sjálfboðaliðum björgunarsveita og skógræktarfélaga. Með kaupum á Rótarskoti styður þú starf björgunarsveitanna og skógrækt í landinu.

Rótarskot má kaupa á flugeldamörkuðum björgunarsveita um land allt og á heimasíðu Landsbjargar:

Merry Christmas!

Með News

The Icelandic Forestry Association wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you to everyone who supported us in 2023 and we hope to see you in the forest in 2024!

Gleðileg jól!

Með Fréttir

Skógræktarfélag Íslands, landssamband skógræktarfélaganna, óskar landsmönnum öllum gleðilegra jóla og farsældar á komandi ári.

Við þökkum stuðninginn á liðnu ári og sjáumst hress í skóginum árið 2024!

2023 – Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) in Seyðisfjörður, E-Iceland

Með English

A sitka spruce in Seyðisfjörður is the Tree of the year 2023. The tree stands close to where the house Sandfell (Hafnargata 34) stood, but the house was destroyed during landslides that hit the town of Seyðisfjörður in December 2020, particularly one that hit at December 18th. The landslide destroyed buildings to both sides of the tree, but the tree itself was relatively unharmed, and has thus come to be a symbol of the resilience of the townspeople. On the first anniversary of the landslide in 2021 a ceremony was held at the tree, which was lit up by electric lights with pictures of the houses destroyed in the landslide. The tree was planted in 1975 by the then residents of Sandfell. A nomination ceremony was held in September 2023 and as is customary a measurement of the tree was carried out. The height of the tree was measured at 10,9 metres, with a trunk circumference of 90,5 cm.

Location on Google Maps:

An article (in Icelandic) from Skógræktarritið – The Journal of the Icelandic Forestry Association about the tree (here).


Forestry associations’ Christmas tree sales in the last few days before Christmas

Með News

There are some forestry association’s that are still selling Christmas trees in the last few days before Christmas:

The Árnesingar Forestry Association is holding a Christmas tree sale in Snæfoksstaðir until 23 December, 11-16. See:

The Eyfiirðinga Forestry Association has a Christmas tree sale in Kjarnaskógur until 23 December. See:

The Hafnarfjörður Forestry Association, at Gróðrarstöðin, Þöll, on Kaldárselsvegur until 23 December, 10-18. See:

The Mosfellsbær Forestry Association, in Hamrahlíð until 23 December, 12-17 every day except for Þorláksmessa, which is open 10-16. See:

See also:

Jólatrjáasölur skógræktarfélaganna síðustu daga fyrir jól

Með Fréttir

Það er enn hægt að nálgast falleg jólatré hjá nokkrum skógræktarfélögum:

Skógræktarfélag Árnesinga er með jólatrjáasölu á Snæfoksstöðum til 23. desember  kl. 11-16. Sjá nánar:

Skógræktarfélag Eyfirðinga er með jólatrjáasölu í Kjarnaskógi til 23. desember. Sjá nánar:

Skógræktarfélag Hafnarfjarðar í Gróðrarstöðinni Þöll við Kaldárselsveg til 23. desember kl. 10-18. Sjá nánar á:

Skógræktarfélag Mosfellsbæjar, í Hamrahlíð til 23. desember, kl. 12-17 alla dagana nema Þorláksmessu, en þá er opið kl. 10-16. Sjá nánar:

Skógræktarfélag Reykjavíkur á Lækjartorgi 18.-21. desember kl. 14-18 og kl. 14-20 þann 22. desember. Sjá nánar:


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